
An international insurance company asked us to identify new opportunities for their digital strategy for a local market.

Design process

A clear approach and structure are essential for a successful outcome and effective work of UX projects. Of the various design processes available, Fjord utilizes: 

       Discover, Describe, Design and Develop.


During the discovery phase of this project, the focus was to understand the problem and needs. 

Discovery approach and methods

The following design methods were applied to generate various ideas and to identify the best ones.

• Personas
• Empathy Maps
• User Journey

• Round Robin
• Brandswap
• Crazy 8s

• Concept-posters and
• Pyramid of Priorisation

Role and follow up

My main focus within the team was ensuring that we delivered solid interactions within our UI designs while also collaborating with the service and visual designers to improve the entire User Experience. As a team, we facilitated workshops with up to 14 participants.

After the discovery phase, we designed scenarios, the UI as well as a clickable prototype.


Team size

3 month

